Articles from August 2015
Iowa Program for Public Life Announces Inaugural Event
Monday, August 31, 2015
A new university-community partnership suggests that high-quality conversations between citizens are part of the answer. The Iowa Program for Public Life (IPPL) at the University of Iowa, along with PATV Channel 18 and the Johnson County Affordable Homes Coalition, announced this week that a public discussion in Coralville about housing costs will kick-off a yearlong series of related discussions around Johnson County.

Kettering Foundation Awards IPPL Learning Exchange
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
The Iowa Program for Public Life (IPPL) and the Kettering Foundation have signed a research and learning agreement to help establish a center for Public Life at the University of Iowa. This program will support research, education, and outreach activities that help communities better communicate. UIowa students will be trained to facilitate public discussions and create high quality public information. Kettering's National Issues Forums will serve as a guide for this work.